If you've had a hectic week so far, then it's likely at least some of your brain cells will be feeling a bit frazzled by now.

If so, then a difficult new puzzle should help keep your grey matter whirring away nicely. The brain teaser in question looks as sweet as can be at first glance, but don't be deceived - this is a tricky one, and only the brainiest individuals will be able to crack it.

Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to count every single watermelon in one juicy picture, drawing upon all your skills of logic and observation. Set your timer and check out the following image.

If you solve it in 11 seconds, then you're likely a bit of a puzzle whizz. Did you manage to count them all?

Take care with this one, dividing the picture up into sections and scanning each part in turn before settling on your final answer. Some of the watermelons have been cut into half pieces, while others have been sliced into three-fourths, meaning puzzlers will need to combine the various pieces to makeup a whole watermelon.

You have a crystal-clear vision if you can find all of the seedless watermelons in this tricky brainteaser (
Bright Side)

The actual number in this puzzle, which was previously shared by Jagran Josh, feels very obvious once you finally work it out. Go back and give it another good go if you need to, and make sure not to peek at the answer below until you're absolutely ready.

Ready for the answer?

Have a look at the same image again, this time with the answer made clear.

As you can see, there are five watermelons in total, which will make complete sense to visual thinkers who can easily imagine moving the various slices around to make full pieces of fruit. Two of the half watermelon pieces complete the four three-fourth pieces, while the other two halves can be combined to make a whole - making up a total of five full watermelons.

There are five whole watermelons in the brainteaser (
Bright Side)

The human eye can be very misleading, so don't kick yourself too much if this one proved to be a bit of a challenge. Of course, the more puzzles you try, the better you'll ultimately become.

If you feel like trying your luck with another observation-based brain teaser, then why not have a go at this fun woodland carnival scene - which shows one solitary carrot hidden amid the lively image in a similar vein to this watermelon puzzle. Only people with laser-sharp eyes and keen observation skills will be able to pick out the solitary carrot in five seconds or less.